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About our Chapter

We, the members of Sigma Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, International Service Fraternity, charted on the campus of Delaware Valley University, and established for the purpose of assembling college students in the fellowship of principles of Alpha Phi Omega; to develop leadership, to promote friendship, and to provide service to humanity; and to further the freedom that is our national, educational and intellectual heritage. The rich heritage of Alpha Phi Omega is derived from the fellowship of the principles of the Boy Scouts of America as embodied in the Scout Oath and Law; do adopt these Chapter Articles of Constitution.

Symbols of our Fraternity

The Diamond: The most precious of all gemstones representing brilliance, luster, always increasing in value, and an expression of the greatest gift of love when given.

Golden Eagle: The 1976 National Convention declared the golden eagle as a new fraternity symbol. The golden eagle symbolizes strength, gracefulness, keenness of vision, and endurance.

Forget-Me-Not: A perennial flower with royal blue blossoms. It is everlasting, always remembered.

Oak Tree: We have all heard from a parent or mentor at least once in our lives the story of the sturdy oak that grew from a small acorn. The oak is stately, sturdy and sheltering.

Our color of blue is a royal blue color. It is elegant, a sign of pure deed and thought. A color in our Nation's flag.

Our color of gold is called old glory gold. A color also found in the National flag (fringe & tassels). It represents high value, respect, royalty, and a sign of love.

The service pin, worn by thousands of brothers of Alpha Phi Omega, is the "Emblem of Campus Service." Students and faculty alike recognize and respect the activities for which it stands.

The ideals of Alpha Phi Omega are embodied in our coat of arms. As everyone who has passed through the ritual knows, the symbolism of the coat of arms stands for the very purpose of brotherhood.

The Scout Law:

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, 

friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, 

cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

The Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best 

To do my duty to God and my country

and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong,

mentally awake, and morally straight.


What APO means to us…

“As a new student at DVC I was looking for a way to get involved on campus. Never in my life did I think I wanted to be a part of greek life… but when I met the brothers of Alpha Phi Omega I knew this was where I belonged. Through service projects and fellowship events I got to know these amazing goodhearted people that I am proud to call my brothers” ~Cara “Sea Wolf” Brelsford

“I love Alpha Phi Omega because I've witnessed this brotherhood bring out the best in people by uniting a group of individuals from all different majors, backgrounds and personalities over a common bond of leadership, friendship and service. Together, we are all a force to be reckoned with!” ~Bridget "Rosa Solana”"​Rush



 “APO is an organization that provides not only a deeply fulfilling service program, but a second family who loves you unconditionally just for you being you. I personally have grown into a stronger individual with a renewed passion for life knowing I have these amazing brothers to support me.” ~Stacy “Ruffian” Counter

“"Leadership is an action not a position". Alpha phi omega is a huge second family to me. Apo helps me develop my leadership skills. This fraternity helps me give back to the community by doing service projects.”

~Elizabeth “Delfin Animado” Hahn


"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."-Albert Einstein. "Alpha Phi Omega has brought a huge new family into my life who give so unselfishly and with such joy that I am honored to do the same and consider myself a proud Brother!"  ~Jess "FireOwl" Novobilsky


"APO is a great opportunity to meet amazing people and lend a helping hand too!!! It has opened doors both for friendships and getting to know the community and campus!"

~Alaina "Pocohantas" Schmidt


“APO is my second family. Not only do i get to help out my campus and my community but i get the honor of doing it with my closest friends.” ~Sarah “Shenzi” Frier









“Coming from a large family I have always felt loved and I have always had love to give. APO has given me the opportunity to share my love with others through our service projects. It has also given me the chance to love each and every one of my brothers. Alpha Phi Omega is a matter what way you split it we are family, and just like a biological family you may not always like your brothers...but you always love them. I find so much pride being a brother in APO when I meet alumni from other chapters across the country and get the chance to share our story with those who will listen. I use the skills and abilities I have gained from APO in my everyday life whether at work, in class, or just hanging out with my friends. I am honored to wear the letters Alpha, Phi, and Omega and to say that I am part of one of the biggest families in the country. I love you brothers!” ~Mark “Kuzco” Wade


"We all say that APO is a family and sometimes it seems a tad cliché. But its a very factual statement. While we may be totally disfunctional at times, our values are what bind us together. And lets be honest. We are by far the most diverse and most awesome frat on campus. #Fact." 

~Geo “Abel Nightroad” Constantinou


“Service is easy when you serve with friends, but extraordinary when you serve with family. Brothers of APO are the most amazing people I have ever met. They strive to not only achieve greatness themselves, but to bring it out of others. I feel honored to call myself a brother of Alpha Phi Omega.” ~Tatiana “Faline” Tway


"APO means service. Service means helping in any way you can. And that is what the world needs today. Selfless service. This is what we are able to do through APO. "

~Bridget “Isis Magnoliales" Cole


“Joining APO has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Nothing is better than performing service with not only your friends but also your family. Thank you to Alpha Phi Omega for creating young leaders that strive to serve across the nation” ~ Regina "Athyr" Luczyszyn 



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